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Today transportation in Netherlands is diverse, from biking to boats, yet there has not been a successful network that is productive enough, trains are overcrowded, buses contribute to traffic congestions. Therefore biking is the feasible option for everyone to be able to travel, which the Netherlands, uses extensively. However the potential it withholds is very great and that is to be presented here, an idea to evolutionise transport in a sustainable manner for citizens of Netherlands and probably for more countries.

Carbon emissions are rising more and more even though a lot of people don’t use their cars to get around town. Our objective would be to decrease the amount of carbon emissions by implementing an Uber bike style system where the driver can get notified where a customer is, then 2 customers can enter the transportation vehicle which will be powered by the driver and an additional electric motor that has a battery that can be filled up by the braking of the vehicle, riding down hill and of course, by a aerodynamic solar panel on the roof. This will hopefully decrease carbon emissions in the Netherlands to a point where the carbon emissions decrease.

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